We are launching closerfinden.de
Now the time has come! closerfinden.de opens its doors and goes to the start. But what exactly is the idea behind Closerfinden.de? Quite simple: closerfinden.de brings together companies that are looking for telesales experts and closers looking for jobs – freelance or permanent employment.
By the way: The word “closer” is derived from ” to close”. A closer is a person who prepares or directly executes business transactions. In short, a closer is someone who makes deals and generates turnover.
Focus on selling
The focus is clearly on classic selling. We are not a platform for marketing agencies. We want to focus on people with their special sales skills. Within the target group of salespeople, we would like to address in particular closers. The reputation of the salesperson is not the best everywhere. We know that. But we also know that many companies could not exist at all without good salespeople and that others get into difficulties due to a lack of good salespeople. Not everyone wants to sell – and not everyone can. Selling is an art and a special, valuable skill.
Selling is not just about getting a product to a man or woman, but about convincing a person or a company that the product contributes to solving the problem. That is the task of a salesperson. There is nothing reprehensible about that. Ideally, a good sales deal benefits all sides.
New opportunities for top sellers
For decades, telephone sales, also called telesales, have been used – with great success in numerous industries. While digitization will replace millions of jobs and change them dramatically, good salespeople will continue to be in high demand and their job profiles will hardly change. Although new sales methods and approaches are applied every few years, the real challenge – convincing a person of something – remains the same.
Digitalisation and the opportunities offered by the new working environment mean that there are very attractive new opportunities for good salespeople. The consulting and coaching industries have been growing strongly for years. Most of the high priced consulting and coaching products are sold over the phone, through video calls or in personal conversations. Especially consulting products in the 4 and 5-digit range are often sold over the phone or via video conferencing tools without the buyer and seller meeting in person.
This opens up new opportunities for independent closing specialists. A Closer can close deals for companies from almost anywhere in the world. In addition, it receives leads or information about already booked consulting sessions / strategy calls. The Closer carries out these consulting and sales meetings on its own. As a rule, he then receives a commission on the turnover. This can be particularly attractive for freedom-loving top salespeople.
Companies also benefit from the closer’s new digital possibilities and freedom. They get good-humoured and highly motivated salespeople for their products. Whether the deal is made by a closer staying in Paris or the Bahamas doesn’t really matter.
Giving feedback
With this we would like to close this first blog post. We are very happy about any feedback, positive or negative. We are constantly striving to further improve the platform and thus constantly increase the added value and benefits for both sides. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to write to us via chat on the bottom right or by email to [email protected].
The closerfinden.de team wishes you success and lots of good deals!