We launch our feedback and rating system for closers and sales experts
The time has come. We have been working on it for a long time. Now the time has finally come. Our new feedback and rating system is launched.
Why a feedback and rating system?
For us, it’s important to constantly add value to our platform. We want to make the matching process as easy and pleasant as possible for high price sales experts as well as companies that employ them.
To do this, it is helpful if sales experts can show what they are capable of and companies can recognize this as quickly as possible.
People trust rating systems. We all use them. Often several times a month. The 5-star rating system is an integral part of Amazon’s success concept. All the larger stores and many of the smaller ones have long since followed suit.
What was important to us in developing the feedback and rating system?
We designed and developed our feedback and rating system ourselves from scratch.
The following was important to us in the process:
- Clarity / Unambiguity
- Simplicity in operation
- Comprehensibility
- Certainty against fraud
How does our feedback and rating system work?
In addition, we have decided that our feedback and rating system is completely free to use. You can use our system as a sales expert to collect as many feedbacks or evaluations as you want from working clients and customers for free.
This is how it works:
- You send a link to your work/client. You can find the links on the Collect Feedback page in your Dashboard.
- Your work/client opens this link in their browser.
- Within about 60 seconds, your work/client will be able to create feedback for you.
- This feedback will be confirmed by email. If this does not happen, it will be deleted after 14 days.
- As a sales expert, you see all your feedback in your dashboard.
- Companies get data from the feedbacks on different pages in different forms.
- Depending on whether you have a free profile, a Pro or a Business subscription, different amounts of feedback will be displayed in your profile. You can find more information about this in the product descriptions.
What security mechanisms are in place to prevent fraud?
Of course, we have built in various security mechanisms so that the possibility of fraud is greatly reduced. In addition, we reserve the right to remove dubious feedback/reviews and block profiles and users.
These security mechanisms protect our feedback and rating system:
- There is only one feedback/review link per month per user, regardless of subscription.
- The evaluating work/job provider needs its own domain. Reviews via email providers such as Google, Hotmail, GMX, … are not possible.
- The feedback must be confirmed by email.
- We keep other security mechanics secret for their protection. In addition, we will of course also continuously develop the security mechanisms.
Will more features around the feedback and rating system follow?
Absolutely. The version we released today is a first version for launch. We will be greatly developing the functionality around this system over the coming weeks and months.
Feedback welcome
You have questions or a suggestion for improvement of our system? Then feel free to let us know! We are always striving to further develop our platform based on the wishes of our users. Therefore we are very happy about your feedback.
You can either comment here, send us an email to [email protected] or chat (bottom right of the page).
We now wish you a lot of fun and success with our feedback and rating system!
Many greetings
Your team from Closerbase—
Get your first feedback now
Get your first feedback as a Closer right now. 100% free of charge.